The weather has been very unpredictable lately and we don’t know if we are coming or going half the time it wasn’t so long ago we were covered in a blanket of snow! So each nice day I tend to savour, Saturday we were up bright and early and off to cater for a Wedding in Calver , the Wedding had been pre booked for months and were eager to get started. We arrived nice and early and the venue was a wonderful Stately home. hog roast Calver had been asked to create a three course wedding lunch the dining hall was amazing and the tables looked sensational we found a spot set up our machines and set to work.
We had been asked to make soup for starters and we made the soup on the morning just before we arrived so all we had to do at the venue was heat it up we brought cream of chicken and mushroom, vegetable and tomatoes we set the soup aside and put the Hog roast Calver pig on to roast we decided to make some nice crispy crackling and we made a lovely batch of apple sauce. Lots of nice fresh vegetables we had to make we chopped and peeled mounds all ready to cook, parsnips, carrots, sweet corn and turnip we were asked to made a selection of mashed potatoes creamy butter mash, garlic mash and chilli mash the potatoes were on the boil and we were feeling quite proud of our selves as we were ahead on time.
The dessert was easy fresh fruit salad all lovely fresh ingredients and hog roast Calver have the best suppliers in the country always supplying us with the very best in ingredients when the bride and groom and the guests arrived the food was just ready to serve and our waitresses as usual did a splendid job making sure that all the guests were more than satisfied with their meals the day was wonderful and we were so pleased as another job well done that is all we like to see satisfied guests it makes us feel so happy we are easily pleased!