I was working away in the office today and a booking came in for a hog roast in Appleby Magna. Why am I so excited you may ask, well our office is in Appleby Magna which is only a small village, so the event is within walking distance of our base. Fantastic. When you are a hog roast company based in Apple Magna there can be no better job. It is our traditional hog roast served in a bun with apple sauce and stuffing, this is actually still one of the most popular menu choices. When it comes to having a hog roast it is surprising how many people like it straight forward served in a bun. We have lots of different menus to chose from with salads potatoes deserts etc there really is no end to the ways you can enjoy your pig, spit roasted, hog roasted slow roasted for 16 hours. All delicious and all that little bit unique. We had a chap last week who wanted his stuffed with apples and injected with cider. It was certainly different and gave off a great smell whilst it was cooking. So next time you fancy a hog roast in Appleby Magna you know where to come, fill in the enquiry form or simply walk around to the office and knock on the door. You are sure of a warm welcome.