Hog Roast Trusley – Dog Show!

We host lots of unusual and interesting events and this week we catered for a dog show! We were so excited before hand and honoured to have been asked, as this is a large event and the first we have done with Hog Roast Trusley. We arrived at the venue a few hours before and set up in a separate room with a huge window so as we cooked we could see all the adorable dogs do their thing! We were asked to cater for 100 and soon set to work, sausages on sticks, chicken legs and breast were the first to be cooked and the machines house tons of meat at any one time all cooked even.

We set up another machine to cook the vegetable skewers our staff stood and threaded an assortment of vegetables onto sticks and they take literally minutes to cook and taste amazing! We brought in boxes of soft rolls and chopped, sliced and diced heaps of salad vegetables placed them in huge bowls and made assortments of dressings. We also made some garlic dip, mustard dip and a nice spice dip, which are becoming so popular.

At the interval of the show it was time to serve the Hog Roast Trusley and we soon had a large queue forming we placed the meats on serving dishes and the guests helped them selves to the food making sandwiches with guests enjoying the meats all commenting on how good the food was I don’t think they were expecting a spread like this as we heard previous years if was normally just a few sandwiches and sausage rolls! The organiser came over and congratulated us he asked it we would make this a regular thing and said they host two shows a year. We were so happy to say yes! And put the dates straight in our diary. When the food was ate the guests went back in to enjoy the rest of the show and we cleared away leaving it just as we found it you wouldn’t think we had been there! As we left we couldn’t help our selves and stayed to watch the end of the show and the dogs getting presented with rosettes, it was a lovely afternoon.